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News Groups

There are numerous NewsGroups (E-Groups) relating to adoption. They are a great resources to adoptive families and adoptees. Some are listed below. It is recommended that adoptive families and adoptees join a number of these groups to keep in touch with developments and other families. Some of the groups can be a great source of information and support.

The OzIca groups has been set up by the Australian Intercountry Adoption Network. It is a forum for discussing all topics related to Intercountry Adoptions in Australia. Initially it will be un-moderated, so be cool, be nice, no spamming, YELLING, abuse etc or it will quickly become moderated.

The Australia-adopt-korea group has been formed to improve communication between members of the Korean adoption "community" in Australia. While not limiting the scope of interest in the group, we anticipate that this group will be of interest to adoptees, adoptive parents and families, members of the Saet Byol Korean School, other interested members of the Australian/Korean Community, official support groups, informal family support groups and other genuinely interested persons or groups.

A range of other news groups can be found on the Australian Intercountry Adoption Network site (AICAN)


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